The above is a good hair nets to prevent postpartum

Published Categorized as wig

Maternal postpartum, in the traditional concept of the impact, that sit during the month, if the regular shampoo, take a shower, easy to make the body feel ” chill “, causing headache, joint pain and other problems. However, this approach will block the hair follicle, leading to inflammation of hair follicles, increased opportunities for long-term hair loss. In fact, apart from the maternal due to wound unhealed case, the seat during the month can not wash your hair, take a shower is the custom can be broken.

Chinese medicine treatment of postpartum alopecia mainly Nourishing Qi, expelling wind generating principle. Weak people, nourishing liver and kidney, liver and nourishing Yin is hot. Clinical Chinese medicine commonly used Chinese angelica, astragalus, Codonopsis, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, gelatin and other traditional Chinese medicine. Supplemented by diet such as black bean, black sesame, walnut, jujube, for the prevention and treatment of postpartum alopecia has certain effect.

The above is a good hair nets to prevent postpartum alopecia method introduction. In fact, mothers do not need to worry too much about postpartum alopecia, proper preventive method can allow you to not affected distress, to maintain a good attitude is to avoid hair tips. Prevention and treatment of hair loss will start from the little things around us.